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Pre-Test & Post-Test Questions

These 5 questions were used as the pre-test and post-test. Each question was taken from Fountas and Pinnell. All 22 students read the same book and were asked the five questions. Each question focuses on a strategy that was taught explicitly in the next five weeks. At the end of the five weeks the students were asked the same questions with the same text. The pre-test helped me decide which strategies to teach first. I wanted to start with the strategy the most students were struggling with.  

Weekly Assessments

Another form of data was Reading Street's weekly assessments given every Thursday/Friday. Student's were assessed over weekly skill taught during the week. I took data on the comprehension part of the weekly assessment. The students read the passages and read the questions independently. The weekly assessments helped me connect the strategies to the weekly skill taught during that week. Then, the weekly assessments were used to reflect on how my students accomplished the taught strategy. 

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Exit Tickets

I administered formative assessments weekly with each of my small guided reading groups. My formative assessments tools were: quick question checks, table talk to a partner, written response questions, quick draw, recording themselves answering a question, and sentence starters. Each week the exit ticket changed based on the strategy. I had each formative assessment based on a 3 point scale. The formative assessments assisted with reflecting on how the students learned the skill. I was able to plan the next days lesson based on how my students completed the formative assessment. 

Observational Notes

Observational data was collected throughout the action plan over the several weeks. Observational data consisted of students struggling to answer questions, prompt given to complete an exit ticket, and instructional guidance on where to find evidence in a text. Observational data assisted me in knowing where to take the next step in my instructional methods. 

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